urban sprawl

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urban sprawl

更新时间:2025-03-11 00:48:11
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1. Central government planners have reiterated the need to protect farmland, but to little effect as urban sprawl takes over China's fertile flat lands.

2. Because we have limited land resources, we have what could be called " vertical urban sprawl ".

3. Thus managing Beijing's sprawl will necessitate active urban planning to ensure a closer match between where people live and work.

4. However, the urban sprawl has also damaged the environment and traditional culture.

5. In Hong Kong, the urban sprawl has displaced what used to be paddy fields and fish farms.

6. " But it's difficult as local governments are still in a spree of urban sprawl, " says Lu.

1. Land use change is one of important process of urban development. With the trend of the population growth, urban sprawl will lead to the problems and the impact on the environment including fragment the landscape system and reduce the biodiversity without suitable management policies.

2. In the whole processing of the urban sprawl of Shanghai, a lot of urban elements are sprawling of the suburbs.

3. This is how urban sprawl really happens.

4. Growth in population has also contributed to urban sprawl.

5. However, due to urban sprawl and poor public transportation, a car is very helpful when exploring Worcester.


6. This research is expected to control the urban sprawl from the perspective of city planning and promote the scientific urban layout of Beijing.

7. Their expansion drives economic growth but also leads to urban sprawl, rising inequalities and urban unrest.


8. But the new Sun Palace restaurant at the Crowne Plaza, with its uninhibited views of the Olympic Sports Center and an all you can eat 88 RMB Dim Sum weekend brunch, is more than enough to seek out amongst the urban sprawl.


9. Managing this vast migration in a sustainable manner will require more than steel and cement: creating patterns of urban growth that use resources efficiently and avoid irreversible urban sprawl will determine whether the country's cities become livable economic centres or urban dystopias fugged up with exhaust fumes.

10. In addition, the view on controversy between urban sprawl and smart growth is summarized.

11. Every new satellite is a likely starting point for sprawl, and requires excessive infrastructure to connect to the the urban network.

12. Official arguments concerning the fate of Ajusco have been stated in the extreme as if one more inch of urban sprawl will trigger an ecological disaster.

13. At least three kindergartens spread out through Israeli urban sprawl offer children educational teachings of controversial cultist movement.

14. urban sprawl的近义词

14. The marsupial has been in decline for decades due to urban sprawl and from car accidents and dog attacks.

15. The whole urban sprawl of Ankara contains over 2.6m people.

16. urban sprawl什么意思

16. It demonstrates how the interrelated processes of sprawl, concentration of poverty and racial segregation shape the opportunity structure facing diverse segments of the nation's urban and metropolitan population.

17. On the further analysis, it is found that the driving mechanism between urban sprawl and land value appreciation includes socio-economic development, land scarcity, governmental policy, urban planning, regional transportation and environmental factors.

18. Since the 1960s, Urban Space Growth Boundary (Urban Space Growth Boundary, following asUSGB) as the policy tool of urban space growth management has played a certain role to control urban sprawl. And that has been widely concerned by foreign scholars.

19. The immaculately tended gardens are an oasis in the midst of Cairo's urban sprawl.

20. The lyrics is a collision of the Dickensian and the modern, in which pastoral idyll collides against urban sprawl.

  • 近义词
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The lyrics is a collision of the Dickensian and the modern, in which pastoral idyll collides against urban sprawl.(歌词则是狄更斯风格和现代风格的碰撞,充满牧歌般的田园与杂乱无章的城市之间的冲突。)
Illegality. A series of interventions by the Supreme Court has revealed the extent of unplanned urban sprawl.(非法行为最高法院采取的一系列干预措施,揭示了无计划城市扩张的程度。)
Urban sprawl is paving over fertile land in the East.(城市的无节制扩张侵占了东部的良田。)
Today's technologist needs to be flexible-oftentimes, we find ourselves away from the urban sprawl that affords us our wares!(今天的技术专家应该更灵活变通一些,因为我们时常发现自己与那个提供物资的繁华城市相隔千里!)
From the top, Athens 'urban sprawl stretches out in every direction.(雅典城从山顶向四面八方延伸。)
Another issue is urban sprawl.(另一个问题就是城市的扩张。)
This area is a classic example of urban sprawl.(这个地区是一个城市不规则扩散的典型例子。)
The immaculately tended gardens are an oasis in the midst of Cairo's urban sprawl.(那些打理得非常整洁的花园是杂乱扩张的开罗市区中的一片绿洲。)
Over thousands of years of civilization, the planet has been entirely enveloped by cityscapes and urban sprawl.(经过数千年的文明演变,这颗星球完全被都市和城区所覆盖。)
Many people consider urban sprawl to be the fastest growing threat to their local environment and quality of life.(很多人认为城市扩张是对当地环境以及生活质量的一个成长最快的威胁。)
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